Setting the Stage for Actions – Marblehead
Salem Sound Coastwatch worked with the Town of Marblehead to identify its climate hazard priorities and asset vulnerabilities and deliver the following:
Marblehead Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Report (2018) →
This report defines Marblehead’s top local natural and climate-related hazards of concern, identifies existing and future strengthens and vulnerabilities, prioritizes actions, and identifies opportunities to collaboratively advance actions to increase resilience.
The matrix lists Town’s assets that will be impacted by four climate hazards, provides actions, priority levels, and timeframes.
Marblehead MVP Public Listening Session →
Slide presentation – No Action – Accommodate – Protect – Retreat – Prepare for Recovery – Public Safety – all require coordinated actions to be taken over space and time by public and private organizations.
Marblehead Coastal Resilience Projects:
Salem Sound Coastwatch continues to facilitate the following resiliency projects with Marblehead, providing technical support and community engagement.
Increasing Resilience through Community Engagement: Facilitating Implementation of Climate Adaptation Strategies for Marblehead and its Harbor (FY2021)
Marblehead with MA CZM Coastal Resilience grant funding shared with residents and businesses detailed coastal flood modeling and mapping under changing climatic conditions (present, 2030, 2050, 2070) for Marblehead. The project presented conceptual adaptive strategies in response to increasing sea level and storm surge for the following at risk areas in Marblehead Harbor:
- Front Street, Fort Beach, and Little Harbor
- State Street Landing and Harbormaster Area
- Marblehead Municipal Light Department
- Devereux Beach, Goldthwait Reservation, Ocean Avenue, and the Causeway

View the following to learn more about this project that lays the groundwork for future resilience planning:
Marblehead Case Study (FY20) →
Lesson Learned and Accomplishments contains links to recorded presentations on future flood risk mapping and adaptation concepts.
Presentation to the Marblehead Select Board by Barbara Warren. (9/30/20) →
Marblehead Municipal Light Department and Adjoining Public Lands Coastal Resilience Adaptation Strategies (MA CZM grant FY2022)
The Town of Marblehead focused on the at-risk project area of Marblehead Municipal Light Department (MMLD) and three adjoining public parcels that include commercial and recreational boating and fishing facilities and a water-front park. A detailed examination of the site-specific coastal processes, site conditions, and associated risks for the present, 2030-, 2050-, and 2070-time horizons was completed by Woods Hole Group and Collins Engineers to guide future resiliency actions. Near-term flood proofing of the Municipal Light Department was completed, and public engagement with residents, boaters, and the commercial fishing fleet continued. Design options looked to expand public access and water-related activities along the harbor, while an incremental approach to seawall long-term retrofits was proposed to reduce flooding given projected climate impacts from higher tides and greater storm surge.
Updated Flood Risk Analysis 3/28/22
Final Project Presentation 6/9/22
These videos were produced through the community facilities of MHTV, Marblehead, MA.
Town of Marblehead’s Municipal Shipyard Resiliency Improvements Project
With a two-year CZM Coastal Resilience grant (FY23-24), the desired long-term retrofits and adaptations proposed in the FY22 CZM Coastal Resilience grant will be finalized. Seawall design will be taken to 75% design for Parkers Boatyard, Hammond Park, and Cliff Street Boatyard, and the permitting process will begin. Expanding public access and water-related activities remain high priorities as the shoreline is stabilized for the future with reconstructed seawalls. Site improvements will include floating wave attenuating docks and a timber boardwalk that connects Hammond Park to Parkers Boatyard.
Marblehead Municipal Shipyard Resiliency Improvements Project →