Underwater In Salem Sound Lecture Series
April 16 @ 7:00 pm
This event is free and open to the public. Attend in person or register virtually with Abbot Library.
Speaker: David Michelsen, P.E. | SESD Executive Director
Presentation Title: Wastewater Treatment for a Cleaner Environment
Talk Description: This presentation will include background on who South Essex Sewerage District (SESD) is as an organization and an explanation of how wastewater treatment works. There will be a discussion about what we do protects the water quality of the Salem Sound and how local residents and businesses can help SESD achieve this mission.
Speaker Bio: David Michelsen started his career as an engineer working to support New England municipalities. After 18 years in the private sector, he joined SESD as the District Engineer in 2013. As Executive Director of SESD since 2022, David has worked with his staff and local stakeholders to ensure consistent permit compliance and plant performance 365 days a year, 24-hours a day, while simultaneously incorporating forward planning and capital improvement processes that will help SESD endure for another 100 years.